Top 10 Games Every Kid Needs to Learn How to Play

I played a lot of games growing up. And playing games helped me build a lot of skills I still use today. So I think every kid needs to learn how to play games.

Here are the top 10 games every kid needs to learn how to play.

In addition to the benefits of learning how to play, socialize, and strategy, games are also fun. If you’re looking for inexpensive fun things to do with kids, this list of games gives you a good start.

1 – Monopoly

I enjoy games that teach real-world skills. And Monopoly was the first game I thought of when I started the list for this post.

Kids learn how to value properties, trade properties to improve, and how to use a set budget. And they also learn several important business lessons when they play Monopoly.

2 – Spades

While spades might be one of the easiest card games to learn, it still teaches kids important strategy lessons. And it makes them think through the best play based on what they have and what other players might have.

I think kids need to learn analytical thinking, and spade makes it fun while they learn.

3 – Go Fish

When I was growing up, Go Fish games were everywhere I went. I had a copy, my grandparents had copies, and my friends had copies of this classic game.

One of the easiest games to play, Go Fish also helps kids learn simple strategies while having a good time.

4 – Yahtzee

Another thing I think kids need to learn is probability. And Yahtzee uses dice and requires an understanding of probability when kids make decisions.

With six sided dice, kids learn how to use probability without thinking about it. And the more they play the more they learn.

5 – Clue

In the library with the candle stick Professor Plum. You probably instantly think of the board game Clue when you read that.

Clue might be a little more complicated than some other games on this list. But it teaches kids how to reason and use strategy to solve a crime. And they have a lot of fun trying to figure it out before anyone else.

6 – Solitaire

Most people have fun playing games with their kids. But kids also need to learn how to have fun by themselves. And solitaire fits the bill.

Once a child learns to play solitaire they can get hours and hours of fun and all they need is a deck of cards.

7 – Chutes and Ladders

Most of the games on this list help kids learn something. And while Chutes and Ladders involves a little bit of strategy, I include it here because kids love to play.

Chutes and Ladders does teach kids to never give up. Just because you’re behind in the game, a lucky turn can change everything.

8 – Candy Land

Another fun game every kid needs to play is Candy Land. And because they don’t have to learn complicated rules or advanced strategies, kids of almost any age can enjoy the game.

And like many of the games on this list, you can find used copies at a yard sale and online.

9 – Old Maid

The Old Maid classic card game teaches kids strategy in a fun way. You don’t want to get stuck with the old maid card, so you need to figure out the best way to do it.

Because Old Maid has quite a bit of luck involved, kids have almost as much chance to win as you. And you can pick up a copy of Old Maid for cheap at a yard sale or online.

10 – 5 Card Draw Poker

I’m not supporting teaching kids how to gamble. But learning the simple poker game of five card draw helps kids learn important skills they can use throughout life.

It might be ok to teach them how to play five card draw with pennies as stakes. But you don’t have to use anything for stakes. You can simply play for fun.


Kids need to play games to have fun, but games also teach them many valuable things. Use the top 10 games on this list to spend time with kids while giving them valuable lessons.

All of these games have replay value, so a small investment can pay big dividends. Look for these games at yard sales or ask people you know if they have them. Or you can buy new copies in local stores or online.